Dog Bites

Approximately 800,000 dog bite attacks occur each year in the United States that require medical treatment. Children account for many of these dog bite victims. Each year, thousands of children are either killed or seriously injured by Fort Worth dog bites injuries.

Medical bills for treatment of these dog bites are astronomical. Regrettably, the emotional damage to the victims is even higher. When a dog bites once, odds are, the dog will bite again. These dogs can be prevented from biting another innocent victim by pursuing a claim for damages.

Upon ensuring the safety of the bite victim or at least making sure proper medical attention is sought, it is imperative to do the following:

  • Determine the name and address of the dog’s owner;
  • Get the names, addresses and phone numbers of all witnesses to the incident;
  • Take photos of the location of the incident;
  • If possible, take photographs of the wound;
  • Determine the name of the dog;
  • Have the treating physician perform an in-depth evaluation of the wound;
  • Order DNA testing of any saliva of the dog around the wound or on the victim’s clothing;
  • Do not permit the dog to be destroyed until after DNA testing as well as a mouth casting has been performed.

This evidence will help with your bite injury lawsuit.

There are two ways to establish liability for dog bites. First, a dog owner is strictly liable if its dog bites another individual. However, an exception to this rule is if the dog was provoked. In this type of case, the bite itself establishes liability and the question becomes the amount of damages to be paid to properly compensate the victim. The other way a dog owner can be found liable is if the owner knew or should have known of the dog’s violent behavior and negligently failed to prevent the victim from being bitten.

If a dog has bitten you or your loved ones, you should contact our office.